fredag 30 juli 2010

Theory vs. reality

Okay, the first thing I have to say is that it's so much more complicated than I expected! In theory it seemed so simple, just : do this, do that and so on, but there is so much fixing! For example, the manual doesn't say anything about getting the angles right. It doesn't say anything about clamps and extra hands needed (just for the bigger harps, but not for the small ones like the one I'm building). If my father hadn't been a professional carpenter I would never have made it. Seriously.

However, at last me and my father managed to get the framework for the soundboard right. As you can see in the photos below, we had to lock the whole thing between some blocks we screwed on to the working bench to keep the angles right while the glue dries. And we had to put a big clamp in the top and also some small pieces of plywood into the slots to be sure the backside and the soundboard will fit in later.

That's enough for today.

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